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New Year: New Me?

New Year: New Me?

New Year: New Me?
New Year 2018 Loading

With the year ending, we all begin to think about the common New Year Resolutions but let’s face it, it is difficult to follow through because we are not consistent or life simply gets in the way. You set goals that might be a little too unrealistic and become forgotten as the year moves forward.

Clear Essence cares about you and wants you to achieve those resolutions because we believe everything is possible with dedication, effort and patience, so let’s change the way New Year Resolutions are set by following these easy steps.

Make realistic and attainable goals.

Make a few goals that you believe you can achieve by putting a little effort and energy every week or every two weeks depending on the resolutions. For instance, taking good care of your skin might be on the list, however, that resolution alone is vague.

Instead, be more specific and change it to something such as washing your face every single day before bed or wearing SPF every day. Single and easy steps that will help you reach the overall goal. Also, to be aligned with caring about your skin, you could include exercising and eating more fruits and vegetables during the week.

All these specific and reachable goals will help you get to the bigger picture or resolution that you always wanted (having a beautiful and radiant skin).

Write your resolutions down

This step is very important because it reminds you the reason behind the resolution itself. Why do you want to take care of your skin? While the answers could vary and become endless, depending on your needs and wants, what it is important is to know why you want to achieve it.

Furthermore, be sure to write your resolutions in present tense; it will reaffirm they will come true. Read your resolutions every single day, and do it at loud so you can hear them. This will also serve as a remainder to yourself as to why you want to attain those resolutions in first place.

Share them with family and friends

It is key to keep motivated during the entire process and sometimes that becomes impossible. Sharing your resolutions with the people you love can help a lot.

They will serve as support when you think you are not capable of following through. There is nothing wrong with asking for help, so do yourself a favor and ask your family and friend to support you through this journey.

Also, keep your resolutions and a picture of them if possible where you and your loved ones can see it, it will be a motivation to continue and could be used to check the progress you are making.

Reward yourself and have fun

Last but not least, be sure to reward yourself once progress has been made because it will help keeping you motivated throughout the year. Please be creative and have fun with your goals; there is no need to make the journey of your resolutions a torture.

Remember the reason behind resolutions is to become better, healthier, and happier, so enjoy the process it will not last forever!

Final Thoughts

So now that we have shared some tips with you, our loved customers and anyone out there who wants to achieve their resolutions, go ahead and put them into practice right now don’t wait Clear Essence believes in you.

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