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5 Skin Care Mistakes That Can Affect Your Complexion

5 Skin Care Mistakes That Can Affect Your Complexion

5 Skin Care Mistakes That Can Affect Your Complexion

Sometimes we make skin care mistakes that end up sabotaging our complexion. The majority of people care about their skin whether it be spending a few minutes or having a ritual routine before bed.

Unfortunately, even if all we want to do is protect it, we may still do more harm than good. Everyone should have a skin care routine to protect it from daily impurities and factors we cannot control such as UV- rays because they can be very damaging for the skin.

Due to the lack of ethnic skin care knowledge on how to treat specific melanin based problems, we want to educate our beloved customers about the possible mistakes they are making.

As a result, they become aware and change these mistakes to become good daily habits that could make a difference when it comes to preventing damage and premature aging.

Below are some the most common skin care mistakes we want you to avoid.

Skin Care Mistake #1: Exfoliating too much or not enough

Over exfoliating becomes a problem because it buffs away your top skin layer. You might think you are helping your skin get rid of the dirt or left over make-up. However, what you are actually doing is removing the barrier that protects the skin.

Leaving the skin unprotected, gives the toxins of the environment and the sun the opportunity to attack the skin, resulting in premature aging. On the other hand, if you do to not exfoliate enough, you leave room for the production of clogs, blackheads, and acne.

These issues result from the accumulation of dead skin cells trapped along with oil in the pores when exfoliation does not occur. To avoid both situations, we recommend you to exfoliate two or three times per week.

Skin Care Mistake #2: Diet and skincare go hand in hand

If you want to have a healthy and glowing skin, diet needs to be taken into consideration. The food you eat can have a significant impact on your skin.

We recommend our loving customers to include more fruits, vegetables, and good fats such as avocado, nuts, and fish. As well as try to avoid sugars, salt, and processed foods that only damage the skin and makes you gain a few more pounds.

Yes, we understand that some days you might crave something in the bad category food, and it is okay if you cheat once in a while. Nonetheless, you must remember it is all about balance.

Skin Care Mistake #3: Applying to many products

Pampering your skin with all kinds of different products to either make it look better or treat different skin problems can lead to overwhelming the skin. It can cause the opposite effect you are trying to accomplish.

If you want to achieve a better skin or treat any issues, we recommend you to alternate products and not mixing them all together.

Skin Care Mistake #4: Not using products formulated for your skin type

When using products that are not suited for your skin type, you will never see the results you want. Every skin type has special needs that must be taken care of.

It is important that you do your research and discover what skin type and product you need for accurate results.

Skin Care Mistake #5: Not wearing enough sunscreen

One major reason premature aging occurs is due to increase exposure to sun light and the UV rays. People often believe they are not exposing themselves sunlight when in reality they are.

This is called incidental exposure—driving in the car, sitting near windows, or walking outside even if it’s cloudy. To prevent early aging, you must apply sun protection all year round.

Clear Essence Cosmetics supplies many SPF 15 products to help protect your skin while treating discolorations and dark spots. Clear Essence My Natural Beauty Skin Tone Lotion with SPF 15 has added SPF 15 to prevent future discolorations and damage from harsh elements and the sun’s UV rays.

This is the perfect daily moisturizer to keep your skin silky, smooth, and even-toned.

In Conclusion

There you are, some of the most common skin care mistakes people make, so please do your research, become aware, and informed about the unique need your skin has and change those bad habits into healthy ones.

You can always contact us for any question or concern you might encounter and always love your skin

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